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The feature specification details how capabilities of a device are represented.

Features is a map of string keys to maps representing the feature’s attributes. Most features are a direct mapping of the characteristics in the HAP specification. Custom features have been created in places where the HAP specification fell short.

With regards to color management the HAP specificatin MUST be ignored and instead support for the custom Colour feature MUST be implemented.

Table of contents

  1. Attributes
    1. Min
    2. Max
    3. Step
    4. Type
    5. Unit
  2. Considerations for describing features
  3. Examples
  4. Custom features


A feature has a number of possible attributes. The following come directly from the HAP specification and are all OPTIONAL:

Key Read-only Description
min   Minimum value
max   Maximum value
step   Increment
type X uint8, float64, string etc
unit X Celsius, percentage etc.

It’s important to note that though min, max and step can vary for two devices with the same feature, type and unit cannot. The values of type and unit are mandated by the HAP specification or for custom features by this specification.

One additional key is added by us:

Key Read-only Description
readOnly X A boolean, true or false

This attribute specifies that this feature cannot be updated and is important for Actions.


This is the minimum support value for this feature. It is the lower, inclusive, bound of a range of values.


This is the maximum support value for this feature. It is the upper, inclusive, bound of a range of values.


This is primarily used for UI components to generate sliders with a certain amount of steps.


The type that will be used to deserialise this value. For example if the type is specified as a uint8 the value must be between 0 and 255 or it will wrap. The min and max attributes an be used to constrain the range of valid values to a subset of what is allowed by the type.


A unit of measurement. Likely an SI (derived) unit. Can be helpful in UIs.

Considerations for describing features

When a key is ommitted it MUST be interpreted as if it were explicitly set to the value defined in the HAP specification.

When publishing a message it is RECOMMENDED that all keys are explicitly set, even if it is to their defaults. This ensures the receiver of the message does not need to know what the defaults are in the HAP specification.

It is important to note that when a feature is present you MUST set it to the empty object, or specify at least one of the keys. If a feature is omitted or set to null it MUST be interpreted as the feature being absent.


The “on” feature can be described by an empty map:

"on": {}

This means that the min, max, step, type and unit all default to the values as defined in the HAP specification.

A more complex feature, like “brightness” can look like this:

"brightness": {
    "min": 10

This specifies that the brightness is in the range of 10-255 because we are overriding the HAP specification default for the min value, which is 0.

Multiple features are represented through the features map:

    "features": {
        "on": {},
        "brightness": {}

Custom features

Feature Description
Colour Features related to colour management
Power Features related to power usage